If you are looking to build new, or to renovate and existing structure, HHI will not disappoint. With professional advice and workmanship your project will be done right and to code.
If you are looking to build new, or to renovate and existing structure, HHI will not disappoint. With professional advice and workmanship your project will be done right and to code.
The text you are currently reading can be added either through sidebar widgets or directly in the sidebar.php file.
If you add a widget to the predefined widget area this text will be removed automatically.
Twicet comes with multiple Skins to choose from. To make cusomization of existing skins easier the color informations are stored in separated stylesheets.
Additionally all PSD files that where used to create this theme are included.
If you are interested in using our service feel free to contact us.
Either by sending a mail to office[at]twicet[dot]com, or by using our jQuery improved ajax contact form ;D